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And Prayer Was Made Daily

March 12, 2012

Be sure no time is so well spent as that which a man spends on his knees. (J.C. Ryle)

When reading the book of Acts, one of the first things you notice is the priority of prayer! Is it any wonder God did such great and mighty things for His church during this time period! They totally relied on HIm, and when He worked, the gave Him all the glory!

Starting Thursday, March 8 through Sunday April 1, our church family is putting special emphasis on prayer. We are asking God to manifest His presence during our Jubilee services, April 1-3, and to let His Word go forth in power during these days. The old song says, “All us vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down!” We are acknowledging to our Father that, “Without (Him) we can do nothing,”  and we are seeking His face.

In addition to those who have signed up to spend extra time in prayer, let’s all set aside time  to ask God to work in our midst. What a blessing it would be to see souls saved, families restored, and God’s people truly revived! God has left us here for a purpose, and we need His power if we are going to reach a lost world. Let’s cry out to God, asking that His Word and His presence be magnified during these days. More than a “stirring,” we need to be changed by a face-to-face encounter with a Holy God!

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